Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Statement:
Conquest Consultation and Security Limited believes in conducting business in a manner which achieves sustainable growth whilst demonstrating a high degree of social responsibility. We believe this approach creates a source of competitive advantage for our business.
Demonstrating our commitment to Corporate Social responsibility is a journey in the course of which we aim to align our business values, purpose and strategy with the social and economic needs of our customers, whilst embedding responsible and ethical business policies and practices into everything we do.
Conquest Consultation and Security Limited provides clear and fair terms of employment for its employees Provides clean, healthy and safe working conditions. Has a fair remuneration policy everywhere we operate and strive for equal opportunities for all present and potential employees. We encourage employees to develop skills and progress in their careers, we do not employ underage staff and ensure that staff are aware of the company’s policies on insider trading, bribery and inappropriate gifts, money laundering and whistle blowing therefore creating a harmonious working environment with zero tolerance to bullying or to any form of harassment linked to an individual’s sex or other personal characteristics.
Conquest Consultation and Security Limited recognises and understands the importance of protecting the environment in which we operate. We are fully committed to minimising the impact that running our business has on the environment and we encourage our clients to do the same. Conquest Consultation and Security Limited is aware that its business activities result in various environmental impacts and will comply with all relevant legislative, regulatory and other environmental requirements in order to act in a socially responsible manner. We will strive to continuously improve our environmental performance.
Health and Safety:
Conquest Consultation and Security Limited takes health and safety very seriously and the welfare and wellbeing of employees is of paramount importance to the company. It is the policy of the company to create and improve standards of Health and Safety, which will lead to the avoidance and reduction of risks and to ensure that the company complies with all Health and Safety legislation. The Company makes every reasonable and practicable effort to provide safe and healthy working conditions in all of its offices and out in the field. It is the duty of all employees to exercise responsibility and to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and to others. The policy standards and procedures are communicated to employees through contracts of employment, staff hand books and operating manuals.
Conquest Consultation and Security will also ensure that they deal responsibly, openly and fairly with clients and potential clients by ensuring that all advertising and documentation about the business and its activities are clear, informative, legal, decent, honest and truthful. Being open and honest about the products and services and telling customers what they want to know, including what the Company does to be socially responsible. Ensuring that if something goes wrong Conquest will acknowledge the problem and deal with it. Conquest Consultation and security Limited will listen to the clients so that this can help improve the products and services that are on offer to them. Ensuring that benchmarking and evaluations to constantly improve our competitive edge in the marketplace.